Manufacturing Co. LLC. is an American company that brings over 45
years of experience and knowledge to the table in the food development,
light manufacturing and the equipment business. Years of experience
include several other American companies that we have owned and operated
through the years, whereas we developed and marketed various unique
food products, receiving patents on the related specialty food processing
equipment. This experience and knowledge is invaluable in the research
and development of new products…as was the case when we developed
our Patented and Award Winning “Ye Olde Kettle Cooker®”.
Manufacturing is firmly established within the business world, with
both domestic and international sales. The manufacture and sales of
our concession equipment is our business…not a sideline or some
“make them as we sell them” part time operation. We maintain
corporate offices with regular business hours of operation, fully
staffed with administrative, technical and sales personnel; employ
the services of professional engineers, consultants, manufacturing
specialists and marketing experts; and carry complete inventories
on parts and product lines.
feel it is important for you as a customer, or potential customer,
to know about us, our background, reputation within the industry,
and commitment to provide you with the finest quality product possible.
It should be comforting to know that we have staid the course…year
in and year out. Unlike some fortune seekers who jump on a good thing,
weld up a low quality knock-off toy of a cooker, sell cheap and are
gone before you know it…we are not “here today - gone
tomorrow”. Customer support is a key element to our continued
success. We are here to serve, help, and consult with you, to make
sure your equipment is the absolute best on the market and to keep
it operating at peak performance.